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美孚潤滑油系列 > 食品級潤滑油 > 美孚DTE FM32/46/68/100/150食品級液壓油系列
美孚DTE FM32/46/68/100/150食品級液壓油系列 詳細說明 (瀏覽1883次)
Mobil DTE FM 詳細信息:




美孚DTE FM系列油是性能卓越的潤滑油設計,以滿足廣泛的多用設備要求的食品加工和包裝行業(yè)。這些潤滑油合格為NSF H1型潤滑油,也符合第21 CFR 178.3570潤滑油與食品偶爾接觸食品和藥物管理局(美國)。美孚DTE FM系列在ISO 22000認證的工廠,也符合ISO 21469的要求幫助,以確保最高水平的產(chǎn)品的完整性保持生產(chǎn)。

潤滑油是無味,無臭,優(yōu)質(zhì)潤滑油,具有無毒NSF / FDA食品級添加劑和基礎油配制。該添加劑系統(tǒng)提供良好的抗磨保護,卓越的氧化穩(wěn)定性和抗銹蝕。他們提供了良好的系統(tǒng)的清潔,延長油品/濾油器的使用壽命和最佳的設備保護。美孚DTE FM系列液壓油是優(yōu)良的齒輪,軸承和循環(huán)油。它們也適用于處理液壓系統(tǒng)組件,如低間隙伺服閥門及高精度數(shù)控(NC)機床的關(guān)鍵要求。這些產(chǎn)品滿足了廣泛的使用各種多冶金技術(shù)設計,使單一產(chǎn)品就具有杰出的性能特性的系統(tǒng)及組件制造商對性能最嚴格的要求。

美孚DTE FM系列油品具有高收視率的FZG齒輪試驗展示他們出色的防磨損和劃傷的。這使得它們的使用在系統(tǒng)以外的液壓系統(tǒng),其中可能包含的齒輪和軸承。天然的高粘度指數(shù)的基礎油,確保在較寬的溫度范圍內(nèi)表現(xiàn)出色。



特點 優(yōu)點及潛在效益
無毒配方 允許使用在食品包裝和處理中的應用
很好的抗磨損性能 減少磨損
優(yōu)良的氧化安定性 提供長期的石油和設備的使用壽命
滿足各種設備要求 多業(yè)務應用-一種產(chǎn)品可以替代幾個
優(yōu)良的空氣分離特性 減少起泡和它的負面影響
非常良好的分水性能 保護系統(tǒng)中存在少量水分



  • 適用于多業(yè)務應用用于所有食品加工等行業(yè),水產(chǎn)品加工機械的潤滑,并會見了包裝廠
  • 優(yōu)異的齒輪,軸承,循環(huán)系統(tǒng)和液壓油
  • 處理空氣和惰性氣體的壓縮機和真空泵。
  • 空氣管路潤滑
  • 需要高度承載能力和抗磨損保護的系統(tǒng)
  • 機采用了廣泛的組件,使用各種冶金


美孚DTE FM系列符合或超過以下要求: 美孚DTE FM 32 美孚DTE FM 46 美孚DTE FM 68
FDA 21 CFR 178.3570 X X X


美孚DTE FM系列注冊的要求: 美孚DTE FM 32 美孚DTE FM 46 美孚DTE FM 68
NSF注冊編號 130662 123225 123227



  美孚DTE FM 32 美孚DTE FM 46 美孚DTE FM 68
ISO等級 32 46 68
粘度,ASTM D 445      
CST @ 40oC 31.9 45.5 68.5
CST @ 100℃ 5.5 6.8 8.7
粘度指數(shù),ASTM D 2270 106 105 101
具體Gravity@15.6oC/15.6oC,ASTM D 4.52 0.862 0.868 0.873
銅片腐蝕,ASTM D 130 1A 1A 1A
防銹特性PROC。A,ASTM D 665 通過 通過 通過
傾點,oC,ASTM D 97 -12 -9 -12
閃點,oC,ASTM D 92 212 226 228
FZG,DIN 51354,故障舞臺 11 12 + 12 +
四球磨損,ASTM D 4172,疤痕直徑,20KG,54oC,1800轉(zhuǎn),1小時,毫米 0.25 0.25 0.25







Mobil DTE FM Series Pdf
Food Machinery Lubricants Print View
Product Description Features and Benefits Applications Specifications and Approvals Typical Properties Health and Safety  

Product Description

Mobil DTE FM Series oils are high performance lubricants designed to satisfy a wide range of multi-use equipment requirements for the food processing and packaging industry. These lubricants are qualified as NSF H1 type lubricants and also comply with Title 21 CFR 178.3570 by the Food and Drug Administration (USA) for lubricants with incidental food contact. The lubricants are tasteless, odourless, premium quality lubricants formulated with non-toxic NSF/FDA food grade additives and base oils. The additive system provides good wear protection, excellent oxidation stability and protection against rust. They provide good system cleanliness, long oil/filter life, and optimum equipment protection. The Mobil DTE FM Series oils are excellent gear, bearing and circulating oils. They are also suitable for handling the critical requirements of hydraulic system components such as close clearance servo-valves and the high accuracy numerically controlled (NC) machine tools. These products meet the most rigorous performance requirements of a wide range of system and component manufacturers using various multi-metallurgy designs allowing a single product with outstanding performance characteristics.

The Mobil DTE FM Series oils have high ratings in the FZG Gear Test demonstrating their excellent protection against wear and scuffing. This allows their use in systems other than hydraulics that may contain gears and bearings. The naturally high viscosity index of the base oils ensures outstanding performance over a wide temperature range.

Features and Benefits


Advantages and Potential Benefits
Non-Toxic Formulation Allows use in food packaging and processing applications
Very Good Anti-wear Properties Reduces wear
Extends equipment life
Excellent Oxidation Stability Provides long oil and equipment life
Extends filter life
High Level Corrosion Protection Prevents internal hydraulic system corrosion
Reduces negative effects of moisture in systems
Provides corrosion protection of multi-metallurgy component designs
Meets a Wide Range of equipment requirements Multi-service applications - One product can replace several
Minimises inventory requirements
Reduced potential for product misapplication
Excellent Air Separation Characteristics Reduces foaming and it's negative effects
Very Good Water Separation Properties Protects systems where small quantities of moisture are present
Readily separates larger quantities of water


  • Suitable for multi-service applications in the lubrication of machinery used in all food processing industries, fish processing and met packing plants
  • Excellent gear, bearing, circulating system and hydraulic oils
  • Compressors and vacuum pumps handling air and inert gasses
  • Air line lubricators
  • Systems requiring a high degree of load-carrying capability and anti-wear protection
  • Mobil DTE FM 220, 320 and 460 are recommended for freezer plants and for outdoor applications due to their low temperature properties and high temperature stability
  • Machines employing a wide range of components using various metallurgy

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Specifications and Approvals

Meets or Exceeds the following industry specifications

Mobil DTE FM 32

Mobil DTE FM 46

Mobil DTE FM 68

Mobil DTE FM 100

Mobil DTE FM 150
FDA 21 CFR 178.3570 X X X X X

Meets or Exceeds the following industry specifications

Mobil DTE FM 220

Mobil DTE FM 320

Mobil DTE FM 460

Mobil DTE FM 680
FDA 21 CFR 178.3570 X X X X
NSF H1 X X X  

Typical Properties

Mobil DTE FM 32

Mobil DTE FM 46

Mobil DTE FM 68

Mobil DTE FM 100

Mobil DTE FM 150
ISO Grade 32 46 68 100 150
Viscosity, ASTM D 445          
cSt @ 40o C 31.9 45.5 68.5 96.7 155.5
cSt, @ 100o C 5.5 6.8 8.7 10.9 17.0
Viscosity Index, ASTM D 2270 106 105 101 97 118
Specific Gravity @ 15.6o C/15.6o C, ASTM D 4.52 0.862 0.868 0.873 0.878 0.869
Copper Strip Corrosion, ASTM D 130 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A
Rust Characteristics Proc. A, ASTM D 665 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass
Pour Point, oC, ASTM D 97 -12 -9 -12 -18 -12
Flash Point, oC, ASTM D 92 212 226 228 246 250
FZG, DIN 51354, Fail Stage 11 12+ 12+ 12+ 12+
4-Ball wear, ASTM D 4172, Scar Dia, 20Kg, 54o C, 1800 rpm, 1 hr, mm 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.26

Mobil DTE FM 220

Mobil DTE FM 320

Mobil DTE FM 460

Mobil DTE FM 680
ISO Grade 220      
Viscosity, ASTM D 445        
cSt @ 40o C 214.3 325.8 439.5 670.0
cSt @ 100o C 24.5 34.2 43.4 61.2
Viscosity Index, ASTM D 2270 143 148 152 159
Specific Gravity @ 15.6o C/15.6o C, ASTM D 4.52 0.854 0.852 0.852 0.853
Copper Strip Corrosion, ASTM D 130 1A 1A 1A 1A
Rust Characteristics Proc. A, ASTM D 665 Pass Pass Pass Pass
Pour Point, oC, ASTM D 97 -21 -30 -36 -39
Flash Point, oC, ASTM D 92 246 272 284 278
FZG, DIN 51354, Fail Stage 12+ 12+ 12+ 12+
4-Ball wear, ASTM D 4172, Scar Dia, 20Kg, 54o C, 1800 rpm, 1 hr, mm 0.25 0.25 0.30 0.30

上一產(chǎn)品:殼牌加適達(Shell Cassida Chain Oil)鏈條油
下一產(chǎn)品:美孚 SHC Cibus 食品級潤滑油系列
版權(quán)所有:東莞市創(chuàng)億嘉潤滑油有限公司   粵ICP備19160599號
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