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美孚潤滑油系列 > 潤滑脂 > Mobilgrease HTR, HTM, HTS and HTF潤滑脂
Mobilgrease HTR, HTM, HTS and HTF潤滑脂 詳細說(shuō)明 (瀏覽1185次)





美孚HTR,HTM,HTS和導熱油潤滑脂,主要推薦用于潤滑軸承,齒輪,凸輪彈流潤滑(EHL)的要求決定重大粘度的貢獻。油脂流磨水,繼續進(jìn)行潤滑,并幫助形成了強大的密封,以抵御海水入侵。當自由水進(jìn)入軸承,潤滑脂保持一致性。他們的EP性能和高油粘度,有助于減少磨損,使它們特別適用于重型沖擊載荷。磨損少,更換故障軸承的維護成本會(huì )更低。它們也可以用在中心潤滑脂分配系統一致的表觀(guān)粘度計算。


美孚HTR,HTM,HTS和導熱油潤滑脂美孚品牌的產(chǎn)品,已經(jīng)獲得了享譽(yù)全球的創(chuàng )新和性能卓越的領(lǐng)導成員。美孚HTR,HTM,高溫超導和HTF潤滑脂產(chǎn)品由??松梨谂浞綄?zhuān)家設計,并通過(guò)我們在世界各地的技術(shù)支持人員的支持。


特點(diǎn) 優(yōu)點(diǎn)及潛在效益
優(yōu)良的耐高EHL粘度和精選添加劑穿重倉組件 減少意外停機和減少設備的重置成本
很棒能夠防止水侵入密封軸承,在水的存在下保持一致性 較少的軸承故障所造成的水體污染,降低維護和更換成本
優(yōu)異的耐腐蝕性能 軸承很好的保護,減少維護和運營(yíng)成本
在高溫下,在存在對水噴霧的凝聚力,粘附性和粘合性?xún)?yōu)異的潤滑脂的 更好地留在惡劣環(huán)境中的性能和延長(cháng)再潤滑潛力
泵送性好,在低到中等溫度 可以用在集中潤滑脂分配系統


美孚HTR主要是為了解決低溫泵送性挑戰。美孚HTM額外的保護,防止海水入侵提供了良好的泵送性。美孚高溫超導NLGI 2級潤滑脂可以使用,提供了最大的軸承的潤滑性能。美孚導熱油提供阻燃蓖麻油和熱軋帶鋼軋機操作。


  • 鋼軋機軸承,
  • 非公路機車(chē)車(chē)輛
  • 露天開(kāi)采拖線(xiàn),挖掘機,鉆頭和長(cháng)途車(chē)


美孚HTR 美孚HTM 美孚高溫超導 美孚導熱油
NLGI等級 0.5 1.5 2 1.0
稠化劑類(lèi)型 鋰復合 鋰復合 鋰復合 鋰復合
色彩,視覺(jué) 黑色 黑色 黑色 黑色
工作錐入度,25oC,ASTM D 217度,mm/10 340 295 280 325
滴點(diǎn),oC,ASTM D 2265 280 280 295 190
油的粘度,ASTM D 445 CST @ 40oC 320 320 680 320
CST @ 100℃ 24 24 37 24
穿透一致性變化,側傾穩定性,ASTM D 1831度,mm/10 -1 -1 -1 -1
水噴霧關(guān),ASTM D 4049,%重量損失 ----- ----- ----- -----
水沖蝕,ASTM D 1264,%重量損失 ----- 5.5 5.5 -----
四球焊接點(diǎn),ASTM D 2596公斤 315 315 315 315
四球磨損,ASTM D 2266,毫米疤痕 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5


根據現有資料顯示,該產(chǎn)品預計不會(huì )對健康產(chǎn)生不利影響,使用時(shí)的用途和材料安全數據表(MSDS)中提供的建議遵循。MSDS可根據要求通過(guò)你的銷(xiāo)售合同辦公室,或通過(guò)互聯(lián)網(wǎng)。此產(chǎn)品不應該被用于其擬定用途以外的其他用途。如果處理用過(guò)的產(chǎn)品,照顧,以保護環(huán)境。

美孚字型,飛馬圖樣及Delvac MX均為??松梨诠净蚱渥庸局?,其附屬公司的注冊商標。  




Mobilgrease HTR, HTM, HTS and HTF


Product Description

Mobilgrease HTR, HTM, HTS and HTF are high performance Extreme Pressure greases with exceptional resistance to the water contamination conditions typical of steel mill, surface mining, and off-highway conditions. Additionally, Mobilgrease HTR, HTM, HTS, and HTF are formulated with superior corrosion resistance. Mobilgrease HTM and HTR provide good water and corrosion resistance along with formulations more capable of providing good dispensing characteristics in central systems. The combination of the lithium complex soap with an advanced additive system provide high temperature performance properties. Mobilgrease HTF provides fire retardancy for castor and hot strip mill operations.

Mobilgrease HTR, HTM, HTS and HTF greases are primarily recommended for the lubrication of bearings, gears, and cams where the elastohydrodynamic lubrication (EHL) requirements dictate significant viscometric contribution. The greases shed mill water, continue to lubricate and aid in forming a strong seal to resist water intrusion. When free water enters a bearing, the greases maintain consistency. Their EP properties and high oil viscosity help reduce wear, making them especially applicable for heavy shock loads. With less wear, maintenance costs for replacing failed bearings will be lower. They can also be used in central grease dispensing systems consistent with apparent viscosity calculations.

Features and Benefits

Mobilgrease HTR, HTM, HTS and HTF greases are leading members of the Mobilgrease brand of products, which has gained a worldwide reputation for innovation and performance excellence. Mobilgrease HTR, HTM, HTS and HTF grease products are designed by ExxonMobil formulation technologists and backed by our worldwide technical support staff.

Mobilgrease HT products were designed specifically to meet the requirements of customers for heavy-duty products with excellent: resistance to water, high temperature and with cohesive and adhesive properties. These greases offer the following features and potential benefits:

Features Advantages and Potential Benefits
High EHL viscometrics and selected additives for excellent resistance to wear for heavily loaded components Less unexpected downtime and reduced equipment replacement costs
Excellent ability to seal bearings against water intrusion, and to maintain consistency in the presence of water Fewer bearing failures caused by water contamination with reduced maintenance and replacement costs
Exceptional corrosion resistance Very good bearing protection for reduced maintenance and operating costs
Excellent grease cohesion, adhesion and tackiness at high temperatures and in presence of water spray Better stay-put properties in tough environments and extended re-lubrication potential
Good pumpability at low to moderate temperatures Can be used in centralised grease distribution systems


Mobilgrease HTR is primarily intended to address low temperature pumpability challenges. Mobilgrease HTM provides good pumpability with additional protection against water intrusion. Where an NLGI Grade 2 grease can be used, Mobilgrease HTS provides maximum bearing lubrication performance. Mobilgrease HTF provides fire retardancy for castor and hot strip mill operations.

Mobilgrease HTR, HTM, HTS and HTF greases are designed primarily for the lubrication of bearings, gears, and cams, which require high viscosity base oil. Such heavy-duty applications include:

  • Steel mill bearings,
  • Off-highway rolling stock
  • Surface mining drag lines, excavators, drills and haul trucks

Typical Properties

Mobilgrease HTR Mobilgrease HTM Mobilgrease HTS Mobilgrease HTF
NLGI Grade 0.5 1.5 2 1.0
Thickener Type Li-Complex Li-Complex Li-Complex Li-Complex
Color, Visual Black Black Black Black
Penetration, Worked, 25o C, ASTM D 217, mm/10 340 295 280 325
Dropping Point, oC, ASTM D 2265 280 280 295 190
Viscosity of Oil, ASTM D 445 CSt @ 40o C 320 320 680 320
cSt @ 100o C 24 24 37 24
Penetration Consistency Change, Roll Stability, ASTM D 1831, mm/10 -1 -1 -1 -1
Water Spray-Off, ASTM D 4049,% wt loss ----- ----- ----- -----
Water Washout, ASTM D 1264, % Wt Loss ----- 5.5 5.5 -----
4-Ball Weld Point, ASTM D 2596, kg 315 315 315 315
4-Ball Wear, ASTM D 2266, mm scar 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5

Health and Safety

Based on available information, this product is not expected to produce adverse effects on health when used for the intended application and the recommendations provided in the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) are followed. MSDS's are available upon request through your sales contract office, or via the Internet. This product should not be used for purposes other than its intended use. If disposing of used product, take care to protect the environment.

The Mobil logotype, the Pegasus design and Delvac are trademarks of ExxonMobil Corporation, or one of its subsidiaries.  


Copyright ? 2001-2013 Exxon Mobil Corporation. All rights reserved.


上一產(chǎn)品:BP Energrease HTG181潤滑脂
下一產(chǎn)品:MOBIL Infinitec 152/美孚Infinitec 152高溫潤滑脂
版權所有:東莞市創(chuàng )億嘉潤滑油有限公司   粵ICP備19160599號
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