
東莞市創(chuàng  )億嘉潤滑油有限公司 服務(wù)熱線(xiàn):0769-81283290 13725804996
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嘉實(shí)多潤滑油系列 > 齒輪油 > CASTROL TRIBOL? FOODPROOF 1800/220
CASTROL TRIBOL? FOODPROOF 1800/220 詳細說(shuō)明 (瀏覽1142次)


etic food machinery gear oils
CASTROL TRIBOL? FOODPROOF 1800 synthetic food machinery gear oils have been developed for service in
worm gear drives and for all other types of enclosed gear drives, where heavy load conditions prevail.
They were formulated to meet the stringent requirements for NSF-H1 lubricants and are designed for use in the
food and beverage industry where incidental contact with food is possible.
· CASTROL TRIBOL? FOODPROOF 1800 gear oils are available in the typical ISO viscosity grades for worm
gear drives, ISO VG 220 to 680.
· Formulated to meet the requirements of the NSF-H1 approval, they are suited for applications where
incidental contact with food is possible.
· CASTROL TRIBOL? FOODPROOF 1800 gear oils have a polyglycol basis and offer exceptional anti-wear
and load carrying capacity.
· CASTROL TRIBOL? FOODPROOF 1800 synthetic food machinery gear oils are used in worm, spur,
helical, herringbone, straight or bevel gears.
· CASTROL TRIBOL? FOODPROOF 1800 may be applied by oil can, oil cup reservoir, splash, spray, mist or
by automatic dispensing equipment, central and circulation systems.
· CASTROL TRIBOL? FoodProof 1800 synthetic food machinery gear oils have been developed for the
lubrication of worm gear units, with steel worms and bronze worm wheels. With this application,
considerable advantages may be gained when it comes to the efficiency and service life of the gear units.
Due to the polyglycol base, friction values are being reduced and lower wear rates may be achieved due to
special additives.
· CASTROL TRIBOL? FOODPROOF 1800 oils are not miscible with lubricating oils based an mineral oils or
synthetic hydrocarbons.
· CASTROL TRIBOL? FOODPROOF 1800 gear oils are compatible with elastomers like NBR and FPM.
· Quality Standard:
CASTROL TRIBOL? FOODPROOF 1800 are CLP-PG gear oils, (acc. to DIN 51502) and exceed the
minimum requirements according to DIN 51517, part 3 for CLP.
· They are lubricants L-CKE, (acc. to ISO 6743-6) and exceed the minimum requirements of ISO 12925-1.
BOL? FOODPROOF 1800 oils are not miscible with lubricating oils based an mineral oils or
synthetic hydrocarbons.
· CASTROL TRIBOL? FOODPROOF 1800 gear oils are compatible with elastomers like NBR and FPM.
· Quality Standard:
CASTROL TRIBOL? FOODPROOF 1800 are CLP-PG gear oils, (acc. to DIN 51502) and exceed the
minimum requirements according to DIN 51517, part 3 for CLP.
· They are lubricants L-CKE, (acc. to ISO 6743-6) and exceed the minimum requirements of ISO 12925-1.
Product Data
Tribol Foodproof 1800
Castrol Tribol Foodproof 1800 and Castrol logo are trademarks of Castrol Limited, used under licence.
Die technischen Daten sind Durchschnittswerte, die jedoch innerhalb der festgelegten Spezifikation liegen.
Diese Angaben entsprechen umfangreichen Prüfungen und Praxiserfahrungen. Bei der Vielfalt der Anwendungen kann daraus keine Verbindlichkeit für die Bew?hrung in jedem Einzelfall hergeleitet werden. Praxiserprobungen empfohlen.
?nderungen der Zusammensetzung bleiben Vorbehalten, gegebenenfalls in Absprache mit dem Kunden.
Weitere Produkt-Informationen sind bei der Anwendungstechnik der Deutsche BP Aktiengesellschaft zu erfragen.
Deutsche BP AG – Industrial Lubricants & Services, Erkelenzer Str. 20, 41179 M?nchengladbach
Tel: +49 (0)2161 909-30 Fax: +49 (0)2161 909-481
Page 2 of 2
Technical data
Unit Value Test method
CASTROL TRIBOL? FOODPROOF 1800 - 1800/220 1800/320 1800/460 1800/680 1800/1000 -
ISO viscosity grade - 220 320 460 680 1000 DIN 51519
Density at + 15°C kg/m3 1050 1052 1055 1068 1075 DIN 51757
Viscosity at + 40°C
+ 100°C mm2/s 220
160 DIN 51366
Viscosity index - 235 245 255 270 281 ISO 2909
Flash point °C > 260 DIN ISO 2592
Pour point °C - 33 - 30 - 30 - 24 -6 DIN ISO 3016
Corrosion test, test A (degree) - 0 DIN 51585
Copper corrosion test (degree, 100 A3) - 1 DIN EN ISO 2160
Four ball weld load N 1800 DIN 51350-2
Four ball wear test
Wear scar diameter
mm 0.45 0,45 0.4 0.4 0.4 DIN 51350-3-B
FZG test
(A/8.3/90) damage load stage
(A/16.6/90) damage load stage
DIN 51354
Foaming properties
Sequence I
Sequence II
ISO 6247

上一產(chǎn)品:殼牌可耐壓S4 Wheel 460合成齒輪油
下一產(chǎn)品:castrol Alphasyn GS 680合成齒輪油
版權所有:東莞市創(chuàng )億嘉潤滑油有限公司   粵ICP備19160599號
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