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嘉實(shí)多潤滑油系列 > 齒輪油 > CASTROL Tribol 931710/320齒輪油
CASTROL Tribol 931710/320齒輪油 詳細說(shuō)明 (瀏覽1176次)
Semi-synthetic gear oils
CASTROL TRIBOL? 1710 gear oils with TGOA? represent a significant advancement in gear oil
technology. Developed for service in enclosed gear drives, rolling and sliding bearings, CASTROL
TRIBOL? 1710 gear oils are typically used where heavy and shock load conditions prevail.
·  CASTROL TRIBOL? 1710 gear oils are manufactured from the highest quality mineral base oils
and synthetic polyalphaolefins. Blended into these oils is TGOA?, the latest development in the field
of surface improving additives.
·  The TGOA? additive package is activated by high specific loads and corresponding
temperatures, causing a chemical-physical reaction. This results in an equalization of surface
roughness without creating abrasion.
·  The results of the TGOA? additives may be compared with a rolling process in the micro-range.
Surface roughness is gradually leveled and smoothed.
·  Through smoothing of the working surfaces, the loads are distributed over larger areas.
·  If due to shock loads or stop-and-go operation surface roughness peaks redevelop, the TGOA?
additive package is automatically reactivated. Surface roughness is again equalized and lubrication
·  CASTROL TRIBOL? 1710 gear oils are available in viscosity grades of ISO VG 100, 220, 320
and 460.
·  Typical applications are in spur, helical, herringbone, bevel and planetary gears as well as in
geared couplings, rolling and sliding bearings and in gear drive circulating systems
·  Depending on the application CASTROL TRIBOL? 1710 may be used in a temperature range
from –30°C up to +95°C
· load stage >14 is being passed in the FZG test
·  high load carrying capacity (FZG micropitting test passed)
·  running-in pitting is prevented or stopped, unless caused by poor design or heavy overloading of
the gears
·  lapping of gears is no longer necessary
·  regeneration of damaged friction surfaces occurs on a micro-scale
·  lower operating temperature and noise level
·  extended service life of gears and bearings as well as reduced maintenance costs
·  high viscosity-index allows start-ups at low temperatures due to the lower viscosity and allows
build-up of a lubricant film with sufficient thickness at high temperatures
Product Data
Technical data
Unit Value Test method
TRIBOL 1710 - 1710/100 1710/150 1710/220 1710/320 1710/460 -
ISO viscosity grade - 100 150 220 320 460 DIN 51519
Density at + 15°C kg/m3 861 863 865 875 874 DIN 51757
Viscosity at + 40°C
+ 100°C mm2/s
42.4 DIN 51550
Viscosity index - 135 ISO 2909
Flash point °C > 220 240 DIN ISO 2592
Pour point °C - 36 - 33 - 33 - 30 - 30 DIN ISO 3016
Corrosion test - 0 - A DIN 51585
Copper corrosion test (100 A 3) (degree) 1 DIN 51759
SRV test (50°C, 300 N, 2 h)
Amplitude 1 mm, freq. 50 Hz
μ min. 0.07 – max. 0.09 DIN 51834-02-S
FZG test
A/8.3/90 damage load stage
A/16.6/90 damage load stage
- > 12
> 14
> 12
DIN 51354
FZG micropitting test
Load carrying capacity: high - - > 10 FVA No. 54
Water content - below measurable content DIN/ISO 3733
Foaming properties Seq I
Seq II
< 50/0
< 50/0
< 50/0
DIN 51566
Flender foaming test - pass -
1 mm2/s ^ 1cSt
These technical data are based on average test results. Minor deviations may occur from case to case.
For further product information please contact the Technical Service of Castrol Industrie GmbH.
Notes for use
·  CASTROL TRIBOL? 1710 semi-synthetic gear oils are compatible with mineral oils and esters.
·  This means that traces up to 3% of previous oil in the gear case after draining will not pose any
problems. However, the beneficial effects of the TGOA? additives are reduced, when CASTROL
TRIBOL? 1710 oils are mixed with other gear oils.
·  CASTROL TRIBOL? 1710 oils are not compatible with polyglycols. After draining a polyglycol
fill, the gear case must be flushed well with a mineral oil or flushing oil.
·  Quality Standard: CASTROL TRIBOL? 1710 are CLP-HC gear oils (DIN 51502) and exceed
minimum requirements according to DIN 51517 T.3.
上一產(chǎn)品:殼牌可耐壓S4 Wheel 460合成齒輪油
下一產(chǎn)品:CASTROL Tribol 931710/220齒輪油
版權所有:東莞市創(chuàng )億嘉潤滑油有限公司   粵ICP備19160599號
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