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嘉實(shí)多潤滑油系列 > 齒輪油 > Castrol Tribol 1100/68,Castrol Tribol 1100/100
Castrol Tribol 1100/68,Castrol Tribol 1100/100 詳細說(shuō)明 (瀏覽1280次)
Castrol Tribol 1100
Gear oils with TGOA
Castrol Tribol?1100 gear oils with the TGOA?(Tribol Gear Oil Additive) additive system represent a significant
advancement in gear oil technology. Developed for service in enclosed gear drives, journals, and antifriction
bearings, Tribol 1100 gear oils are typically used where heavy and shock load conditions prevail.
Tribol 1100 gear oils are manufactured from the highest quality petroleum base oils. Blended into this oil is the
latest development in the field of surface improving additives designated TGOA. TGOA is an oil soluble additive
package designed to reduce friction while providing surface protection and improvement. The TGOA additive
package offers superior performance because of its unique action on frictional
The TGOA additive package is activated by high specific loads and corresponding temperatures causing a
chemical-physical reaction. This results in an equalization of surface roughness without creating abrasion.
Therefore, surface roughness is reduced without the loss of surface material.
The results of the TGOA additives can be compared with a rolling process in the micro-range. The surface
roughness is gradually levelled and smoothed. Through smoothing of the working surfaces, the loads are
distributed over increasing areas and the actual load carrying area is enlarged.
If surface roughness peaks redevelop because of shock loads or stop-and-go operation, the TGOA additive
package is automatically reactivated. Surface roughness is again smoothed and lubrication optimized.
Tribol 1100 range has passed the Cincinnati Milacron Thermal Stability Test. This test evaluates copper and steel
corrosion and oxidation stability. Tribol 1100 gear oils are approved as P 74, P 59, and P 35 for the ISO 220, 320,
and 460 grades respectively. These oils exceed minimum requirements according to DIN 51517 Part. 3 for CLP
gear oils
Typical applications are spur, helical, herringbone, bevel, and planetary gears. They are also used in general
couplings and where fine filtration is required. Tribol 1100 gear oils may be used in antifriction and journal
bearings and applied by oil mist systems.
Tribol 1100 gear oils with the TGOA additive package are most effective when used from the initial fill of the
equipment. It has also proven to be effective in applications where surfaces have previously been damaged in
Because of equalization of surface roughness on interacting surfaces, the following advantages can be obtained:
?Running-in oils or additives are no longer required. Lapping of gears is no longer necessary.
?Regeneration of damaged frictional surfaces on a micro-scale.
?Less friction.
?Reduced wear
?Lower operating temperature.
?Decreased noise level.
?Longer life of gears and bearings.
?Reduced maintenance cost.
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上一產(chǎn)品:殼牌可耐壓S4 Wheel 460合成齒輪油
下一產(chǎn)品:CASTROL TRIBOL 800/1000
版權所有:東莞市創(chuàng )億嘉潤滑油有限公司   粵ICP備19160599號
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