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嘉實(shí)多潤滑油系列 > 齒輪油 > Castrol Tribol 1510/320賽寶齒輪油
Castrol Tribol 1510/320賽寶齒輪油 詳細說(shuō)明 (瀏覽1196次)

Castrol Tribol 1510/320

Castrol Tribol 1510/680

Castrol Tribol 1510/460
Synthetic Gear Oils (with TGOA?)
Castrol TribolTM 1510 Synthetic Gear Oils with the TGOA additive system represent a significant
advancement in synthetic gear oil technology. Developed for service in enclosed gear drives, journals,
and antifriction bearings, Tribol 1510 Synthetic Gear Oils are typically used where heavy shock load
conditions prevail and operating temperatures are high.
Tribol 1510 Synthetic Gear Oils are manufactured from synthetic hydrocarbon (SHC) base fluids
(polyalphaolefin)., Blended into this fluid is the latest development in the field of surface improving
additives designated TGOA. TGOA is an oil soluble additive package designed to reduce friction while
providing surface protection and improvement. The TGOA additive package offers superior
performance because of its unique action on frictional surfaces.
TGOA works by establishing a highly protective metal rich lubricating film. This film is formed by the
reaction of TGOA additives due to frictional heat and the catalytic action of metallic surfaces. The
results are a smoothing of surface roughness without creating abrasion. Therefore, surface roughness
is reduced without the usual loss of surface material.
The results of the TGOA process can be compared with a rolling process in the micro-range. The
surface roughness is gradually leveled and smoothed. Through this smoothing action, the actual loadbearing
is enlarged with the loads being distributed over increasing areas. Therefore the actual load per
unit of working area decreases.
If the roughness peaks redevelop because of shock loads or stop-and-go operation, the TGOA additive
package is automatically reactivated. Surface roughness is again smoothed and lubrication optimized.
Tribol 1510’s have passed fourteen stages on the FZG Test Rig. Visual inspection after load stage 12
showed gear tooth flanks like new.
Typical applications are spur, helical, herringbone, bevel, and planetary gears operating at high
temperatures. The continuous operating temperature range is from -300C to 900C with intermittent use
to 950C. They are also used in geared couplings and where fine filtration is required.
Tribol 1510 Synthetic Gear Oils may be used in antifriction and journal bearings.
fill of the equipment. They have also been proven to be effective in applications where surfaces
have previously been damaged in service.
Because of TGOA抯 highly protective lubricating film the following advantages can be obtained:
?Reduced friction
?Reduced wear
?Lower operation temperature
?Lower noise level
?Reduced pitting if not caused by design or heavy overloading
As a result of the TGOA advantage the following benefits can be derived:
?Longer gear and bearing life
?Reduced maintenance costs
?Greater productivity
?High profitability
Notes for Use
Tribol 1510 Synthetic Gear Oils are compatible with petroleum oils and esters. This means that traces
(up to 3%) of previous oil remaining in the gearcase after draining should not pose problems. However,
the beneficial effects of the TGOA additives are reduced when 1510 Synthetic Gear Oils are mixed with
other oils.
Tribol 1510 Synthetic Gear Oils are not compatible with polyglycols. After draining a polyglycol fluid, the
gearcase must be flushed well with a petroleum oil (flushing oil).
A thorough cleaning of the gearbox is highly recommended to achieve the maximum benefits of Tribol
1510 Synthetic Gear Oils.
Typical Characteristics
1510/320 1510/460 1510/680
ISO Viscosity Grade 320 460 680
AGMA Lubricant Number 6EP 7EP 8EP
Density, DIN 51757, 150C, g/ml 0.864 0.866 0.869
API Gravity, ATM D 1298 @ 15.60C 32.3 31.9 31.33
Viscosity, ASTM D 445, D 2161:
@ 400C, mm2/s (cSt)
@ 1000C, mm2/s (cSt)
Viscosity Index, ASTM D 2270 145 150 152
Flash Point, ASTM D 92, COC, 0C 265 265 265
Fire Point, ASTM D 92, COC, 0C 299 304 305
Pour Point, ASTM D 97, 0C -38 -33 -30
Rust Test, ASTM D 665:
Procedure A (Distilled Water)
Procedure B (Synthetic Sea Water)
Copper Corrosion Test, ASTM D 130
3 hrs, 1000C 1a 1a 1a
Timken Extreme Pressure Test, ASTM D 2782
OK Value, kg/lbs 32/70 32/70 32/70
Four Ball Wear Test (40 kg. 750C, 1800 rpm, 1hr)
Scar Diameter, mm 0.40 0.40 0.40
Falex Wear Test, ASTM D 2670, Wear Teeth 5 5 5
SRV Test, 500C 600N
Amplitude 1mm, Frequency 50Hz
(μ = Coefficient of friction) μ<0.08 μ<0.08 μ<0.08
FZG Test, DIN 51354 (A/8.3/90) IP 334
Specific Weight Loss, mg/kWh
Visual Inspection after passing load stage 12
Subject to usual manufacturing tolerances.
Additional Information
The Tribol 1510 range is classified as non hazardous according to the criteria of NOHSC. However, in
line with safe handling practices, it is recommended that the handling instructions outlined in the Castrol
Material Safety Data Sheet be followed.
The Tribol 1510 range is classified as a C2 combustible liquid for storage and handling purposes. Store
in a cool, dry, well-ventilated area out of direct sunlight. Avoid sparks, flames and other ignition sources.
Store away from incompatible materials such as materials that support combustion (oxidising materials).
Reference should be made to Australian Standard AS1940 - The storage and handling of flammable
and combustible liquids.
Soak up on Castrol Diatomaceous Earth or similar inert oil absorbent. Arrange for
disposal through an approved facility.
Contain as soon as possible, remove by best means available and arrange recycling
上一產(chǎn)品:殼牌可耐壓S4 Wheel 460合成齒輪油
下一產(chǎn)品:Castrol Tribol 1100/1500/Castrol Tribol 1100/1000
版權所有:東莞市創(chuàng )億嘉潤滑油有限公司   粵ICP備19160599號
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