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美孚潤滑油系列 > 機床導軌油 > MOBIL VACTRA SLC 32/MOBIL VACTRA SLC32
MOBIL VACTRA SLC 32/MOBIL VACTRA SLC32 詳細說(shuō)明 (瀏覽1180次)

Mobil Vactra SLC220 Way and Slide Lubricants

Way and Slide Lubricants

Product Description

The Mobil Vactra? Oil Numbered Series are premium-quality slideway lubricants specifically designed to meet the requirements for accuracy, aqueous coolant separability, and equipment protection of precision machine tools.

The Mobil Vactra Oil Numbered Series is carefully formulated from high-quality base stocks and performance balanced with an advanced additive system that provides controlled frictional properties, compatibility with aqueous metal working fluids and corrosion protection of parts and equipment. The unique additive package provides exceptional frictional properties on a wide variety of way materials, including steel on steel and steel on polymer, reducing stick-slip and chatter. This allows smooth, uniform motion at design travel speeds enhancing machine productivity and accuracy helping to prolong tool life and enhance surface finish. The Mobil Vactra Oil Numbered Series has been optimized to provide separability from many aqueous coolants while minimizing the corrosive effects of high pH coolants on lubricated surfaces.


Features and Benefits

The Mobil Vactra Oil Numbered Series has been developed and specifically designed to provide an extra margin of machinery protection by satisfying the stringent demands of slide ways. The oils exhibit excellent lubricity and load-carrying performance contributing significantly to improving the production of quality parts. The Mobil Vactra Oil Numbered Series provides separability from many water and aqueous coolants reducing the potential negative effects of cross contamination which helps to enhance the service life and performance of both the lubricant and coolant.


Advantages and Potential Benefits

Feature Advantages and Benefits
Controlled Frictional Characteristics Helps eliminate stick slip; allows consistently accurate machining
Multi-material Capabilities Suitable for a wide range of way material combinations allowing for product consolidation
Water and Aqueous Coolant Separability Helps improve the life and performance of many aqueous coolants
Adhesiveness Prevents removal of lubricant from critical surfaces
Long Term Rust and Corrosion Protection Helps reduce the deterioration of sliding surfaces in the presence of water and aqueous coolants



Mobil Vactra Oil Numbered Series products are recommended for the lubrication of machine tool slideway systems. They are designed for use with combinations of cast iron, steel and non-metallic way materials. Mobil Vactra Oil Numbered Series may be applied by hand, forced-feed lubricator or in flood application by circulation system.

  • Mobil Vactra Oil No. Series of products are suitable for use in applications that require Cincinnati Machine specifications P53, P47, and P50.
  • Mobil Vactra Oil No. 1 and No. 2 are recommended for horizontal slideways on small to medium size machine tools. They are also suitable for circulating application in large machines and as a moderate duty hydraulic fluid.
  • Mobil Vactra Oil No. 3 and No. 4 are normally recommended for large machines where way pressures are high and good precision is required. They are also recommended for vertical and inclined slideways where drain-down can be a problem and for moderate service machine tool gear drive mechanisms.
  • Mobil Vactra Oil Numbered Series can be used for lubrication of ball screws, linear guides, headstocks, translating screws.
  • Mobil Vactra Oil Numbered Series is recommended for applications where oil contamination of the aqueous coolants shortens coolant batch life.


Typical Properties

Mobil Vactra Oil Numbered Series Mobil Vactra SLC32 Mobil Vactra SLC68 Mobil Vactra SLC150 Mobil Vactra SLC220
ISO Viscosity Grade 32 68 150 220
cSt @ 40 C, ASTM D445 32 68 156 221
Flash Point, ASTM D92, °C 216 228 248 240
Pour Point, ASTM D97, °C -30 -33 -6 -3
Copper Strip Corrosion, ASTM D 130C, 3 h 1B 1B 1B 1B
Rust Protection, ASTM D 665B Pass Pass Pass Pass
FZG Load Support, ISO 14635, Fail Stage 13 13 13 13


Health and Safety

Based on available information, this product is not expected to produce adverse effects on health when used for the intended application and the recommendations provided in the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) are followed. MSDS's are available upon request through your sales contract office, or via the Internet. This product should not be used for purposes other than its intended use. If disposing of used product, take care to protect the environment.

The Mobil logotype, the Pegasus design and Vactra are trademarks of Exxon Mobil Corporation, or one of its subsidiaries. 


Copyright ? 2001-2013 Exxon Mobil Corporation. All rights reserved.

下一產(chǎn)品:Mobil Vactra 220/Mobil Vactra 220機床導軌油
版權所有:東莞市創(chuàng )億嘉潤滑油有限公司   粵ICP備19160599號
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