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嘉實(shí)多潤滑油系列 > 空氣壓縮機油 > CASTROL Tribol 890Medium/CASTROL Tribol 890 Medium
CASTROL Tribol 890Medium/CASTROL Tribol 890 Medium 詳細說(shuō)明 (瀏覽1086次)
Tribola 890
Compressor Oils
Please see Reverse Side for More Advantages, Notes, and Typical Properties. PDS 782-11 10/92
Castrol Industrial North America Inc.
Performance Lubricants Division
1001 West 31st Street, Downers Grove, Illinois 60515-1280
Telephone: (800) GEAR-OIL Fax: (800) 986-6447 Molub-Alloy? Optimol? Tribol?
Tribol 890 Synthetic Compressor Oils are fully synthetic lubricants formulated for long service life and clean
deposit-free operation.
Tribol 890 Synthetic Compressor Oils are
manufactured in several viscosity grades to satisfy the
lubrication needs of essentially all air compressors
and compressors of many other process gases as
· Tribol 890 Light for Rotary Compressors,
· Tribol 890 Medium for Rotary Compressors,ISO
VG 68/SAE 20
· Tribol 890 Heavy for Reciprocating
Compressors,ISO VG 100/SAE 30
The base fluids in Tribol 890 Synthetic Oils are made
from polyol and dibasic-acid ester, synthesized and
blended specifically to optimize properties vital to
good compressor operations. They have a natural
stability against decomposition and oxidation at high
operating temperatures and thus a low tendency to
form lacquers or deposits. The Synthetic base fluids
also have very low volatility and high flash and
autoignition temperatures.
Tribol 890 Oils are designed for excellent natural oil
film strength and lubricity and are additionally
formulated with load-carrying, antiwear additives. An
advanced technology additive system also enhances
oxidation stability, inhibits foaming, and protects
against corrosion. Tribol 890 Compressor Oils are not
corrosive to either ferrous or non-ferrous metals.
By replacing conventional petroleum oils with Tribol
890 Synthetic Oils the following benefits are possible:
· Significantly extended service life
· Cleaner, more deposit-free operation
· Safety from deposit ignition, fire, and explosion
· Increased efficiency by eliminating recompression
Rotary Vane and Rotary Screw Compressors -
Where circulation systems inject oil directly into
the air stream to lubricate, cool, and seal the
compressor. Tribol 890 Light and Tribol 890 Medium
perform better than petroleum oils in flooded rotary
vane and screw compressors. By minimizing varnish
and carbon deposits, Tribol 890 can extend drain
intervals from 1,000 hours to more than 5,000 hours in
most vane compressors and sometimes to well over
8,000 hours in flooded screw compressors.
Reciprocating Compressors - Tribol 890 Heavy is
used for both crankcase and upper cylinder lubrication
in reciprocating compressors. Crankcase drain
intervals can be greatly extended and significant
reductions in valve inspections and cleaning are
possible. Lower volatility permits lower feed rates to
reduce carryover and deposit formation.
Hydraulic and Circulating Systems, Gear,
Bearings - wherever rust and oxidation inhibited
(R&O) turbine type of circulating oils are specified.
Tribol 890 is particularly well suited where operating
temperatures and ranges are extreme or marginal for
petroleum oils.
In Rotary Vane and Rotary Screw Compressors
lower volatility means less oil contamination of plant
air, greater demister efficiency, less maintenance of
filters and separators, and reduced oil consumption.
Superior oxidation stability and natural cleansing
action prevent the formation and buildup of varnish,
sludge, or deposits. This minimizes wear and
maintains clearances for maximum compressor
efficiency and for optimum cooling and sealing.
In Single or Multiple-Stage Reciprocating compressors
- Formation and buildup of varnish and carbon
deposits are all but eliminated to prevent valve wear
of sticking which allows recompression. The resulting
benefits are less heat generation and reduced fire
potential as well as reduced energy input required for
constant discharge capacity.
Product Data SheetADVANTAGES (Continued)
General Advantages in all Operations:
· Greatly extended oil life in circulation systems and
crankcases - 4 to 8 times longer than petroleum
· Lower maintenance and labor costs incurred from
less frequent oil change, filter, and accessory
service, inspection, and removal of deposits, and
parts replacement.
· Improved profits from fewer production
· Year-round service from a single product with
extreme low and high temperature range.
· Compatibility with virtually all seals and
construction materials used in modern compressor
Changeover from petroleum oils to Tribol 890 should
always be preceded by a very thorough cleanout.
Although 890 Oils are compatible with petroleum, any
residual mineral oil will soon oxidize and contaminate
Tribol 890, shortening the anticipated service life (See
TB2190 "Compressor Changeover Cleanout is
Tribol 890 Oils soften polycarbonate and should not
be used with this material.
Under no circumstances should these fluids be used
where neoprene seals and E.P.D.M. elastomer sealing
materials are present anywhere in the air system.
For specific terms, conditions, warranty, and
availability, refer to Tribol Price List in effect at time of
890 Light 890 Medium 890 Heavy
ISO Viscosity Grade 32 68 100
AGMA Lubricant Number N/A 2 3
Specific Gravity, ASTM D1298 @ 15.6°C/60°F 0.9879 0.9700 0.9570
API Gravity, ASTM D1298 @ 15.6°C/60°F 9.7 14.5 16.3
Viscosity, ASTM D445, D2161
@ 20°C cSt 72 217 391
@ 40°C cSt 30.4 68 100
@ 50°C cSt 21.4 43 58
@100°C cSt 6.08 8.6 9.5
@100°F, cSt/SUS 33.1/155 76/352 114/528
@210°F, cSt/SUS 6.2/47 8.8/55 9.7/58
Flash Point, ASTM D92, COC, °C/°F 243/470 254/490 263/505
Fire Point, ASTM D92, COC, °C/°F 279/535 282/540 293/560
Pour Point, ASTM, D97, °C/°F -51/-60 -34/-30 -34/-30
Autogenous Ignition Temperature, °C/°F 410/770 410/770 427/800
Conradson Carbon Residue, ASTM D189,
Finished Oil, wt % 0.10 0.02 0.02
Extended Oxidation-Corrosion Stability,
FTM-5308.6, modified*
Hours to Termination of Test 600 288 288
Change in Total Acid No. by termination +2.8 +4.6 +0.6
Four Ball Wear Test (40 kg., 75°C/167°F, 1800 rpm, 1 hr.)
Scar Diameter, mm 0.5 0.5 0.5
Demulsibility, ASTM D1401 @54°C/130°F Pass Pass Pass
USDA Code H2 H2 H2
Subject to usual manufacturing tolerances
*Modification was to increse air flow to 23 liters per hour to simulate severity of air compresor operation. Tests
were to be terminated at the occurrence of a "break" (sharp increase in Total Acid Value). "Sharp breaks" -
common with petroleum lubricants and with some synthetics were not experienced with Tribol 890 Oils, so tests
were arbitarily discontinued as indicated.
下一產(chǎn)品:Castrol Tribol 890/1150合成空氣壓縮機油
版權所有:東莞市創(chuàng )億嘉潤滑油有限公司   粵ICP備19160599號
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