
東莞市創(chuàng  )億嘉潤滑油有限公司 服務(wù)熱線(xiàn):0769-81283290 13725804996
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  • 東莞創(chuàng )億嘉潤滑油有限公司









美孚潤滑油系列 > 機床導軌油 > 美孚威達數字系列


美孚威達數字系列 詳細說(shuō)明 (瀏覽1949次)
Product Description

The Mobil Vactra Oil Numbered Series are premium-quality lubricants specifically designed to fully meet the requirements for accuracy and parts finish of today's high production machine tools. They are formulated from high-quality base stocks and performance balanced with a progressive additive system that provides low frictional properties, excellent corrosion protection and foam resistance. A unique advanced additive package helps reduce stick-slip and chatter under thin film, boundary lubrication conditions. This allows smooth, uniform motion at design travel speeds. The Mobil Vactra Oil Numbered Series have been optimised to provide excellent separability from aqueous coolants in coolant systems while minimising the corrosive effects of high pH coolants on lubricated surfaces.

The base stocks and additive package have been carefully selected to protect slides and ways while still providing good filterability. This is important because reduced flow or plugged applicator filters will increase stick-slip, chatter and wear. The metal-wetting and adhesive agents form uniform films that resist squeezing from way surfaces while the machine is not in operation.

Features and Benefits

The Mobil Vactra Oil Numbered Series oils have been developed and specifically designed to provide an extra margin of machinery protection by satisfying the stringent demands of the slide ways while meeting the requirements of the other lubricated components of the machine tools. They exhibit excellent lubricity and load-carrying performance contributing significantly to improving the production of quality parts. Their outstanding oxidation and thermal stability characteristics improve machine cleanliness, provide desirable filterability properties and reduce the need for frequent maintenance services. The Mobil Vactra Oil Numbered Series provide excellent separability from water and aqueous coolants reducing the potential negative effects of cross contamination enhancing the service life and performance of both the lubricant and the coolants.


Advantages and Potential Benefits
Low Frictional Characteristics Helps eliminate chatter and stick-slip of slides and ways
Improves finish and quality of parts
Helps reduce wear
Lubricity Helps reduce wear and increases smoothness of sliding action
Adhesiveness Prevents removal of lubricant from critical surfaces
Protects surfaces from attack of high pH coolants
Water and Aqueous Separability Extends lubricant life and performance
Improves aqueous coolant life
Oxidation/Chemical Stability Extends oil service life
Keeps sliding surfaces and other lubricated components clean
Helps reduce filter change frequencies
Rust and Corrosion Protection Helps reduce the deterioration of sliding services and associated maintenance
Improves the quality and productive capacity of finished parts
Filterability Allows removal of fine abrasives that could damage components or parts finish
Reduces filter change frequencies
Multi-Metal Compatibility Works with ferrous and non-ferrous materials


Mobil Vactra Oil Numbered Series products are recommended both as slideway lubricants and as fluids for moderate service machine tool hydraulic systems. These oils are designed for use with all combinations of cast iron, steel and non-metallic way materials. Mobil Vactra Oil Numbered Series may be applied by hand, forced-feed lubricator or in flood application by circulation system. Their extreme pressure properties make them suitable for all types of gears found in machine tools. They should not be used in circulation systems where bulk oil temperatures exceed 66oC.

  • Mobil Vactra Oil No. 2 is recommended for horizontal slideways on small to medium size machine tools. It is also suitable for flood application in large machines
  • Mobil Vactra Oil No. 4 is the normal recommendation for large machines where way pressures are high or good precision is required. It is also recommended for vertical and inclined slideways where drain-down can be a problem
  • Mobil Vactra Oil Numbered Series can be used for lubrication of ballscrews, linear guides, headstocks, translating screws, spur and bevel gears, and lightly loaded worm gears
  • Applications where conventional mineral oil contamination of the aqueous coolants shortens coolant batch life

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Specifications and Approvals

Mobil Vactra Numbered Series has the following builder approvals:

No. 1

No. 2

Cincinnati Machine      
Spec. P-53 X - -
Spec. P-47 - X -
Spec. P-50 - - X

Typical Properties

Mobil Vactra Numbered Series

No. 1

No. 2

No. 4
ISO Viscosity Grade 32 68 220
Viscosity, ASTM D 445      
cSt @ 40oC 31.5 67.78 220.9
cSt @ 100oC 5.27 8.6 18.3
Viscosity Index, ASTM D 2270 96 96 96
Copper Strip Corrosion, ASTM D 130, 3 h @ 100oC 1B 1B 1B
Rust Protection, ASTM D 665A Pass Pass Pass
FZG Load Support, DIN 51354, Fail Stage 13 13 13
4-Ball Wear, Scar Dia, 20 Kg, 54oC, 1800 RPM, ?1 hr, ASTM D 4172, mm 0.25 0.25 0.25
Weld Load, 4-Ball EP, ASTM D 2783, kg 200 200 200
Pour Point, oC, ASTM D 97 -30 -33 -3
Flash Point, oC, ASTM D 92 216 228 240
Specific Gravity 15o, ASTM D 1298 0.869 0.883 0.892

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MOBIL VACTRA NUMBERED SERIES is manufactured from high quality petroleum base stocks, carefully blended with selected additives. As with all petroleum products, good personal hygiene and careful handling should always be practiced. Avoid prolonged contact to skin, splashing into the eyes, ingestion or vapour inhalation. Please refer to our Imperial Oil Material Safety Data Sheet for further information.

Note: This product is not controlled under Canadian WHMIS legislation.

The Mobil logotype and the Pegasus design are trademarks of Exxon Mobil Corporation, or one of its subsidiaries.


Due to continual product research and development, the information contained herein is subject to change without notification. Typical properties may vary slightly. Additional health and safety information on this product can be found on the Material Safety Data Sheet, which is available on line at www.imperialoil.ca, or by contacting Lubricants and Petroleum Specialties, Technical Help Desk, 1-800-268-3183.  ? 2001 Imperial Oil.

深美孚 ::
下一產(chǎn)品:殼牌通拿Shell Tonna S2 M 導軌油
版權所有:東莞市創(chuàng )億嘉潤滑油有限公司   粵ICP備19160599號
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