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美孚潤滑油系列 > 軸承循環(huán)油 > 美孚威格力100系列Mobil Vacuoline 100 Series


美孚威格力100系列Mobil Vacuoline 100 Series 詳細說(shuō)明 (瀏覽1839次)
Mobil Vacuoline 100 Series Pdf
Circulating Oils Print View
Product Description Features and Benefits Applications Specifications and Approvals Typical Properties Health and Safety  

Product Description

The Mobil Vacuoline 100 range is a series of extra high quality circulating system oils primarily intended for the lubrication of plain bearings in systems designed for full fluid lubrication, particularly those subjected to heavy water contamination, such as may be used for back-up roll bearings in metal rolling mills. Specifically, they meet the requirements for Morgoil rolling mill bearings including the Morgan "super demulsibility" advanced lubricant specification. The Mobil Vacuoline 100 Series oils are formulated from high quality base stocks and additives to provide outstanding water separation ability, good resistance to thermal degradation and oxidation, and protection against rust and corrosion.

The Mobil Vacuoline 100 Series oils are resistant to the formation of emulsion and sludge. Consequently the oils can contribute to cleaner systems and filters. Also solid contaminants separate readily for easy cleaning by centrifuge, filtration or settling. The Mobil Vacuoline 100 Series possess a high viscosity index and good demulsibility that is retained under conditions of severe water contamination and are recommended for both single and dual tank circulation systems.

Mobil Vacuoline 100 Series oils are the choice of rolling mill operators worldwide. They enjoy strong support of key equipment builders including Morgan Construction Company, Worcester, MA, USA.

Features and Benefits

The Mobil Vacuoline family of products is well known and highly regarded worldwide based on their outstanding performance and the global technical support which stand behind the brand. The exceptional performance of Mobil Vacuoline 100 Series oils, has made it the choice of rolling mill users around the world. Experience gained in close contact with key rolling mill builders, including Morgan Construction in the United States has been applied to ensure that Vacuoline oils meet the needs of evolving rolling mill designs and applications.

For Mobil Vacuoline 100 Series oils, this work has resulted in a formulation based on a high quality base stocks, along with specially chosen additives, to provide rust and corrosion protection and excellent demulsibility which results in superb equipment protection, highly reliable operation and long oil charge life. A review of the features, advantages and potential benefits of the product are shown below:


Advantages and Potential Benefits
Outstanding demulsibility Ready separation from water and contaminants throughout the life of the oil for trouble-free operation and reduced downtime
Good resistance to oxidative degradation Extended oil charge life and reduced oil replacement costs
Cleaner system and filters and reduced maintenance costs
Excellent rust and corrosion protection Enhanced equipment protection and equipment life


Mobil Vacuoline 100 Series oils are primarily recommended and used almost exclusively for rolling mill applications. The oils are suitable for:

  • Back-up roll bearings of rolling mills, particularly Morgoil bearing systems, where either a single or dual tank is employed
  • Other full fluid bearing systems and similar type applications in other industries, particularly where the bearings are subjected to heavy water contamination

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Specifications and Approvals

Mobil Vacuoline 100 Series meets or exceeds the following industry and builder specifications:





MORGOIL ? Lubricant Specification (Super Demulsibility Specification), MORGOIL? Advanced Lubricant New Oil, Revision 2.3, 26 March, 2004 X X X X X
MORGOIL ? Lubricant Specification, New Oil, Revision 1.1, 27 January, 2005 X X X X X

Typical Properties

Mobil Vacuoline 100 Series





ISO Viscosity Grade 150 220 320 460 680
Viscosity, ASTM D 445          
cSt @ 40oC 150 220 320 460 680
cSt @ 100oC 14.8 18.8 23.9 30.1 36.7
Viscosity Index, ASTM D 2270 96 95 95 95 91
Pour Point, oC, ASTM D 97 -9 -6 -9 -6 -6
Flash Point, oC, ASTM D 92 280 288 286 296 318
Specific Gravity @15oC kg/l, ASTM D 4052 0.89 0.89 0.90 0.90 0.91
Demulsibility for non-EP oils, ASTM D2711, ml water 40 36 39 41 40
Demulsibility at 82oC, ASTM D 1401 Minutes to 3ml Emulsion 15 20 25 30 35
Rust Protection, ASTM D665 Distilled Water Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass
Copper Corrosion, ASTM D130 3 hours @ 100oC 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B
Foam Test, ASTM D 892, Seq I Tendency / Stability, ml/ml 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0
上一產(chǎn)品:殼牌紙機潤滑油S2 M220
版權所有:東莞市創(chuàng )億嘉潤滑油有限公司   粵ICP備19160599號
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